Built upon my custom map, Kazoopolis is a city that combines the elements of art and strategy. It’s also a game within a game, with each tile being “sponsored” by Twitch viewers. As the city grows, new store items will become available in order to upgrade and enhance your district.
Kazoos are our in-stream currency. You can earn them by racing marbles, playing Jackbox party games, and simply by being in the stream.
!redeem district (10,000 Kazoos)
Sponsor a district. One tile is one district.
!redeem upgrade (50,000 Kazoos)
Upgrade your district to level 2. This will prevent someone else from swapping for it until all 81 tiles are sold.
!redeem swap (100,000 Kazoos)
Swap your district for any level 1 district, and level it to 2.
Once all 81 tiles are sold, a new command will become available!