This is a simple bullet-point guide of tips to assist you from your first play-through all the way to your first transcension in Clicker Heroes 1.0. This guide assumes you’ll be using an idle build, as it’s the easiest build to start with. When you’re earning at least 500,000 hero souls per ascension and are ready to move to hybrid, click here for my Hybrid Build guide.
Last Updated April 4, 2017. Please send any feedback to /u/kibble-net
Your First Run
-Level each hero to the first or second upgrade then move to the next.
-Go back and purchase “All hero DPS” upgrades when you have gold.
-Don’t level heroes past their last upgrade for now.
-Farm gold from the previous level if you fail a boss.
-Your first few ascensions will be very slow. For your first 8-10 ascensions, when you fail a boss you will need to AFK for awhile or do something else. Gold accumulates even when offline.
-Use all your skills to push through higher level bosses every half hour.
-Levels 110, 120, and 130 are all primal bosses (guaranteed hero souls.)
-If you wish to continue further on your first run, continue to Beyond 130.
-If you’ve played Clicker Heroes before, click here to see what’s new.
When to Ascend
-Ascension is the primary building block of progression in Clicker Heroes.
-The more hero souls you earn before ascending, the quicker your next ascension will be. It is strongly recommended to beat level 130 since it is a guaranteed primal boss.
-Before you ascend, buy as many hero levels as you can. Every 2000 combined hero levels gives you 1 HS when you ascend. Later on you won’t have to worry about this, but for now those extra HS will be useful.
Beyond 130 & Next Runs
-Backup your game save to a cloud backup regularly! (OneDrive, Google Drive)
-Level Frostleaf to 150, then go back to the top and level Treebeast, Ivan, Brittany, Seer and Samurai (known as the “Power 5”) in multiples of 25. You can buy all remaining hero upgrades at this point, too.
-Dread Knight has a terrible cost/dps ratio. Don’t worry about not being able to buy him. You want the x10 bonus for leveling a hero to 1000. You’ll be using the Power 5 for awhile.
-Random de-gilding to the Power 5 isn’t necessary, but if you wish to do this, don’t spend more than 10% of your hero souls moving gilds.
-After about 10 ascensions, you should be able to advance through most of the early stages by leveling your heroes up 25 levels at a time.
–Click here for my Hero Gilding guide.
Buying Ancients
-Using an idle build is most effective. Buy Siyalatas and Libertas first, level them up evenly for now. Libertas’s optimal level is 93% of Siyatalas.
-Keep an amount of hero souls on hand equal to the square of Siyalatas’ level until you get the ancient Morgulis. (i.e. level 10 Siyalatas = have 100 hero souls on hand, or level Morgulis to 100.)
-You do not need to buy the remaining ancients in the exact order listed.
-These are ranked by relative usefulness. Try to get Solomon ASAP.
Ancient Tier Rankings
-1st tier: Libertas, Siyalatas, Solomon, Nogardnit (2 or more autoclickers)
-2nd tier: Dora, Mammon, Mimzee, Nogardnit (if you have 1 autoclicker)
-3rd tier: Argaiv, Atman, Morgulis
-4th tier: Bubos, Dogcog, Fortuna
-5th tier: Chronos, Kuma, Revolc
-Level ancients according to this calculator.
First Transcension
-Transcendence becomes available at level 300.
-Transcendence is meta-ascension; it allows you to progress farther when each ascension isn’t providing a noticeable boost.
-You gain ancient souls when you transcend & sacrifice your ancients.
-Outsiders are meta-ancients leveled with ancient souls.
-Once you (A) can’t earn another ancient soul within one or two ascensions, and (B) have 50 rubies saved up, it’s a good time to transcend.
–Click here for my “when to transcend” guide.
–Click here for my Outsider Leveling guide.
How to Spend Rubies
-Buy the double damage increase, this is permanent.
-Save rubies for reviving mercenaries when it’s cheap to do.
-Save 50 rubies a for Quick Ascension after transcension.
–Click here for my Ruby Spending guide.
-Mercenaries have a predetermined amount of time until death.
-Their reward gets multiplied by their level.
-One day of time on quests gains a mercenary one level.
-Revive mercenaries if it’s cheap and if you have rubies available.
-There is no way to get higher quality mercs other than RNG.
-Gold quests will be the most useful very early on.
–Click here for my Mercenaries guide.
-Fight a daily raid boss with up to 9 other clan-mates.
-The minimum reward is 4 hero souls.
-The reward increases as you kill primal bosses.
-It’s best to join a clan with people of similar progression level.
-Find a clan on the Clicker Heroes Recruit subreddit.
-Atman and Kuma are the best relic stats to go for.
-Revolc, Dora, Fortuna, Bubos and Dogcog are also helpful.