Rubies are the in-game currency in Clicker Heroes. You can earn them by clicking fish, doing mercenary quests, watching mobile and Kongregate ads, and by simply buying them. But what should you spend them on? In this guide, I’ll rank the order of things you should buy from best to worst and explain why.
1.) Double Damage Multiplier
This is a permanent boost. This will be the first thing you purchase.
2.) Quick Ascension
At the beginning of every transcension, you’ll need one of these. If you’re going to be transcending soon, make sure you’ve got enough rubies saved.
3.) Start a Clan
You can join someone else’s clan for free, but if you want to start your own, this is a worthwhile investment of rubies.
4.) Reviving Mercenaries
It is smart to revive low level mercenaries if you have enough rubies available. Once they’re above level 11 or 12, you may want to let them go depending on how many rubies you have left.
5.) Auto-Clickers
Even if you are an idle-only player, having a few auto-clickers will boost your idle DPS with the ancient Nogardnit. Each successive auto-clicker provides a smaller marginal benefit with an increasing cost, so you don’t need to go overboard here.
6.) Timelapse
This is a very situational thing. The best time to use timelapse is when (A) your mercenaries are on HS quests with a nice reward, and (B) you’re on the last ascension of a transcension. (Mobile users: this is not currently available for you, sorry!)
7.) Gilds
Every gild you purchase with rubies gets restored every transcension. If you transcend frequently, a few of these can be helpful, but aren’t needed because you’ll get plenty of them from beating zones.
8.) Buying Mercenaries
Since you can recruit mercenaries for free, this is not something you want to be doing 99.99% of the time. The only situation where you would even consider spending rubies on recruiting a merc is when you lose one, and all of your remaining mercs are very high level; high enough level that you wouldn’t want to send them on an 8 hour recruit mission.
9.) Relics
Relics are not restored every transcension, so they are of very limited usefulness. You should probably avoid buying these completely.
10.) Extra Raid Boss Fights
Prior to the Transcendence patch, these were often worth spending rubies on as the reward was significant compared to what you’d earn from one ascension. In the current state of the game, it is not worth spending rubies on raid boss fights. This may change in the future, however.