This is a simple bullet-point guide of tips to assist you from your first play-through all the way to your first transcension in Clicker Heroes. This guide assumes you’ll be using an idle build, as it’s the easiest build to start with. This guide is a work in progress, so please send me feedback on Twitch or Discord if anything sounds like it needs to be corrected.
Your First Run
-The game will start out slow, this is normal.
-Farm gold from the previous level if you fail a boss.
-Take a break if you get stuck – return to heaps of gold.
-Don’t level heroes past their last upgrade yet.
–Watch this video for basic hero leveling strategy.
-Levels 110, 120, and 130 all all primal bosses (guaranteed hero souls.)
-If you wish to continue further on your first run, continue to Beyond 130.
When to Ascend
-Ascension is the primary building block of progression in Clicker Heroes.
-Your first ascension will not be before level 131 because of primal bosses.
-Ascend once you fail a boss & don’t have the patience to farm gold.
-Before you ascend, buy as many hero levels as you can. Every 2000 combined hero levels gives you 1 HS when you ascend. (Later on you don’t have to worry about this, but for now those extra HS will be useful.)
Beyond 130 & Next Runs
-Once you level Frostleaf to 75 and buy his last ability, go back to the top and level Treebeast, Ivan, Brittany, Seer and Samurai in multiples of 25.
-Dread Knight has a terrible cost/dps ratio. Don’t worry about not being able to buy him. You want the x10 bonus for leveling a hero to 1000.
-Don’t spend all your HS on moving gilds, but once you are earning enough HS per run (probably around zone 200) you can start random de-gilding to the Power 5 for 2 HS at a time. Click here for my gilding guide.
-Backup your game save to a cloud backup regularly! (OneDrive, Google Drive)
Buying Ancients
-Idle build is easiest. Buy Siyalatas and Libertas first, level them evenly.
-Keep (Siya)^2 hero souls on hand until you get Morgulis.
-2nd group of ancients to buy: Solomon, Atman, Mammon, Mimzee
-3rd group of ancients to buy: Dora, Fortuna, Bubos, Dogcog
-4th group of ancients to buy: Morgulis, Kuma, Chronos, Revolc
-Buy Argaiv once you have moved all your gilds to one hero.
–Level ancients according to this calculator. (Revolc level = Chronos level)
First Transcension
-Transcendence becomes available at level 300.
-Transcendence is meta-Ascension; it allows you to progress farther when each ascension isn’t providing a noticeable boost.
-You gain ancient souls when you transcend & sacrifice your ancients.
-Outsiders are meta-ancients leveled with ancient souls.
–Click here for my “when to transcend” guide.
–Level your outsiders using this calculator.
How to Spend Rubies
-Buy the double damage increase, this is permanent.
-Save rubies for reviving mercenaries when it’s cheap to do.
-Save 50 rubies a for Quick Ascension after transcension.
-Mercenaries have a predetermined amount of time until death.
-Their reward gets multiplied by their level.
-One day of time on quests gains a mercenary one level.
-Revive mercenaries if it’s cheap and if you have rubies available.
-There is no way to get higher quality mercs other than RNG.
-Fight a daily raid boss with up to 9 other clan-mates.
-The HS reward is based on your primal bosses killed.
-Best to join a clan with people of similar progression level.
–Find a clan on the Clicker Heroes Recruit subreddit.
-Best stat: Atman
-Second best: Kuma, Dogcog, Bubos
-Third best: Revolc, Fortuna, Dora